Just discovering my new passion is photographing babies in amusing photos. I'm thinking of marketing this in my neck of the woods to new moms who will appreciate this style of photography.

I'm finding miracles are happening everywhere, including my business. As some of you know, I have branded myself as the Workshop Lady in the past. I host other people's workshops when they can't entertain at their own places, and I have my own events and evening soirees, like Paint and Wine nights for people to enjoy but most of what I am all about is the spiritual aspect. The first thing everyone seems to say is it's so peaceful here. Women tell me they like the energy.
One of my favourite Intuitive mediums from Montreal, Nicole, told me I should re-brand my B&B and it's almost like she was reading my mind. Is she psychic? People need to hear about the mission of this place and I'm certain there are many travelers out there, especially middle aged women, usually finding themselves recently single, and finding their way who would love the pampering offered here. I am now marketing my place as Ottawa's only Holistic Bed and Breakfast. Can you imagine being the first one to start with that? ' Course the longer this writing stays in my draft box, the less chance I will have for that claim to fame. My challenge is to provide enough draw to call my place holistic.
For the Body, I offer my Bed of Nails that are instrumental in my good sleep, circulation and being 100% healthy for 3 years. I offer a specialty hands-on Energy Relaxation Massage and give away shoulder rubs and the occasional foot massage.
I have homeopathic and home remedies to sooth the worst compromised system. My Inversion Table and mini home gym keep me healthier than most youths I know and I do share these tools of the trade. My food is good and in the summer, I use the organic fruits and vegetable that grow plentiful in my gardens.
For the Mind, I offer listening and some gentle suggestions that are usually well received. I have books on most topics and some to shock you. Someone once told me my mission on earth was to minor in spirituality and major in sexuality. Now, before you get all excited and try to book a massage that is sure to disappoint you in the happy endings department, let me explain. People hear of my events and come privately to discuss their new awareness of their place in the universe. It's all new and exciting and I walk them thru the many venues and some of my favourite connections, all things I wish I knew about when I "came out" to the New Age movement. Before long, we are talking about sexuality and topics that they have never ever discussed before because again, who do you turn to to listen to your curious questions who won't judge you? That's me! I have introduced a half a century virgin male to discovering what it all means in the birds and the bees department, another told me about his group adventures and a woman thought she might switch sides and how to best find a mate.
How is this possible when I have neither a mate nor, and I say this sadly, any action? Life experience, a wealth of classes, lots of great books and I'm finally a good listener. Why, I've been on so many first dates where all I do is listen and nod for 3 hours while they ramble on and on about themselves til I can have them take a breath and then I run for the hills. What's not to love about being with a good listener?
Finally, for the Spirit, my workshops bring people in to be introduced, sometimes for the first time, to New Age stuff. Some tell me for the first time ever that they once saw a ghost or hear voices and I reassure them that many people, including yours truly, have and they are in good company. Some wonder if they are psychic and I tell them that everyone can be if they pay attention to the cues and work at it. I find woman over 40 are really coming into this topic and it reassures them. I have all my favourite "haunts" to send them and I say that with tongue in cheek. I direct them to other people who have devoted their lives to spirituality. I tell them to start a journal and they will be surprised at how often they have miracles happen in their lives.
We've done meditations here, musical healing, journaling, psychic exercises, full moon drumming circles, Energy Shares, Paint nights.
It's such an honour to see someone start their path in your own home and then go on to greatness. Sure if I worked at it, I could excel, anyone can, but I'm too lazy. It's easy sending someone else on their path and seeing the wonder and amazement in their eyes.
I recently read an article about all the quirky Airbnbs out there that the hosts have advertised their places in very unique ways. The author was quite unforgiving but I know this concept of a Holistic B&B is gold and if she wants to write about me too, all the better. Even bad press is good press. I've tried to make my B&B the most unique and quirky in Ontario from the decor to the atmosphere. I have upside down rooms, falling shelves, bed of nails, virtual reality experiences, workshops, painting anytime, pendulums that mesmerize, backward clocks, the Dreams room, and so many other crazy things. Everyone loves the decor. I may have some people scared to stay here but I have regular folk all the time who have no idea about my beliefs. Often I only find out as they are walking out the door and the woman will say something like, "ya, My mother came to me in my bedroom after she died and you must think I'm crazy". OMG, why did she hold out on me until that moment?!!!
I now have many more who are drawn to this place of energy like moths to a light and since Like Attracts Like, this Holistic B&B is going to be big. You mark my words! Now if you want an autograph before I go on Oprah and become famous, you better get in line soon. They are queuing up... or they will be soon, once we get the word out. Until then, send me your visiting families and traveling salesmen.