For me, travel was the ticket this year. I went down South for a cruise with a friend in January and then again for another Alaskan Cruise with my siblings in February. Went to hike around Vancouver Island and see my sister too; how could anyone not want to live there full time? It's magical.
Tried to plan for my annual Australia trip to see the grand babies, (who for the first time called me grandma on the phone after being promised chocolate), but this trip has been delayed till 2020. BTW, being called Grandma is a high point since most of the time they don't have a clue who I am and I know in my heart that they have only just parroted their mom but I'll take what I can get.

I've hosted lots of sexuality and travel seminars- those both are fun.
I've even hosted a few Dating discussion nights, for all the good that has done me. I should work for Ghost Busters for the amount of ghosting I've seen these days. I know it is not only me. There was a brief fast and furious romance with a charming gentleman who was to whisk me away for a wellness catamaran cruise around the Greek islands. Didn't happen and is not going to but wouldn't that be the coolest trip? Someday... or maybe I was supposed to rent a villa in Tuscany instead, with my sister and Iceland with him. I really like the off season.
And then there was this evening of reckless driving through puddles of unknown origin by Prince Charming, in my car while I passengered since I don't like to drive. While flying through one of these said ponds, there was the mother lode of all potholes in Ottawa; it was like a sinkhole swallowing up my baby. So the car in that particular pothole cost me close to a grand. I guess the lesson here is I drive my own car at my old lady speed as another designated driver and like a turtle, slow and steady 'cause its MY insurance on the block. So many lessons to learn.
Volunteered at Humanics Sanctuary in Cumberland in their opening year and now me and my peeps are all on the planning committee. How the heck did that happen; he's such a sneaky little visionary. Why l even found time to put on at least 3 performances there to teach about healing energy and making lots of noise. The kids seem to like it.
Planned two spiritual spa days; one for Empowerment in the summer with my favourite intuitive Nicole Moronval from Montreal and she came back in Nov for a Spiritual Masterclass using my place instead of renting the church for space. I love hosting workshops here. I also had one workshop in French which is normally kind of a drag for me because if I don't understand most of what's being said so it just ends up being a job. Fortunately for me, this one provided follow-along reading and I understood almost everything. I do these workshops so that I can jump in with both feet but there such a need for this in French that I find it hard to resist doing it. I like to see the looks on their faces as they leave all aglow.

Its important for me to do stuff for myself too so I don't feel ripped off at the end of summer. Can't forget the Kaleidoscope festival- a most unusual event for sure, Rod Stewart, my first Pride Parade, grew medicinal herbs, and my favourite, spending quality time with the youngest prodigal child who came to watch me perform at Humanics - that was truly a highlight of my year, spending quality time with the beast, and sharing my interests. We camped, hiked, went to Lilydale retreat in New York state, rented a Mongolian yurt and basically put some fun and balance back in my life.
Planned two spiritual spa days; one for Empowerment in the summer with my favourite intuitive Nicole Moronval from Montreal and she came back in Nov for a Spiritual Masterclass using my place instead of renting the church for space. I love hosting workshops here. I also had one workshop in French which is normally kind of a drag for me because if I don't understand most of what's being said so it just ends up being a job. Fortunately for me, this one provided follow-along reading and I understood almost everything. I do these workshops so that I can jump in with both feet but there such a need for this in French that I find it hard to resist doing it. I like to see the looks on their faces as they leave all aglow.

Business Travel in Ottawa was amazing, just not so much in the off season because people want longer stays. Earlier this year, one of my business contacts filled my house for 3 weeks with a man from India. Have you ever read from me before that I love living alone? I still do. Today another family is coming by to request a full month. I keep swearing I wont ever do it again but I alway do at some point, and end up regretting it from the daily car shuffle in the driveway to the sharing of the TV; madness I tell you! So many requests for newly separated families desperate for a place to stay.
It's been an interesting year and through all of the Bed and Breakfast angsts and growing pains, I have discovered some things that truly make me happy. It's simple really and it IS a conundrum. I like to live alone AND I love to have a full B&B and host and pamper guests, maybe because I know they are going home and I can wow them for a short time. After they leave, I can have that sigh of relief as they drive away, I loosen my belt, maybe belch a little, let's be brutally honest, release gases that proper hosts refuse to release with paying customers around, then eat leftovers and let the house go to hell. There is nothing so wonderful as turning the tube to Netflix and vegging out in my mismatched jammies, knowing I have a day or two off. That is the true meaning of Home Sweet Home. I love living alone; it makes me so happy. Wait, what's that, another business guest wanting a room? Of course we are open. Must practice the word NO.
It's been an interesting year and through all of the Bed and Breakfast angsts and growing pains, I have discovered some things that truly make me happy. It's simple really and it IS a conundrum. I like to live alone AND I love to have a full B&B and host and pamper guests, maybe because I know they are going home and I can wow them for a short time. After they leave, I can have that sigh of relief as they drive away, I loosen my belt, maybe belch a little, let's be brutally honest, release gases that proper hosts refuse to release with paying customers around, then eat leftovers and let the house go to hell. There is nothing so wonderful as turning the tube to Netflix and vegging out in my mismatched jammies, knowing I have a day or two off. That is the true meaning of Home Sweet Home. I love living alone; it makes me so happy. Wait, what's that, another business guest wanting a room? Of course we are open. Must practice the word NO.
I've had lots of time to unsuccessful slog through my ever obsession- the mounds and tons of paperwork and finances. I, just tonight, had the biggest Aha moment of my life as it relates to organizing. A paper junkie like myself feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel; the boxes of paperwork are daunting. I would cover my dining room table, a focal point for the house, with all my work and the call would come in with a guest arriving shortly. I'd pile and re-pile my projects in boxes, or should I say burial ground, never to be seen again and then I lose all the momentum. Did it again recently after someone rented my house and after they all left, I looked at the empty dining room table which is almost never clear and I began to think... A clean dining room table makes me so happy. With company, I can't work on paperwork so it really takes the pressure off and that is so calming.
When I was able to work again, I simply took out one item of work to finish that was outstanding and I actually finished it!!!! Eureka. Then I took another thing out to work on and realized how productive I actually am if I tackle one job at a time and not 3000 mindless multi-tasking details at once, completely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of what needs to get done. I'm more productive when I don't multitask. One good thing about procrastinating on getting back to the burial ground is, what I once thought was important back then has expired, and is now ready to be filed or sent to bin 13.
My friend Albert filled my head with years worth of great marketing ideas that I have never found the time to do. It's so daunting and stressing to have them all piling high. Here's the kicker, and I know I've said this often. I am stressed because I don't have enough time to market my place because the house is full of guests and I'm too busy. Hmmmm. Do you see the "problem" here? Ironic eh? There is no problem, just guilt because I feel like I'm not doing enough. I love having the blessing of having a full B&B and the luxury to choose to not having guests as well. I have to turned away many guests who just call minutes before they need me and my place is full so I must be doing something right. Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I am "full" when all I desperately need is a night off. More Catholic guilt for me.
I get contacted daily by marketers wanting to improve my website. They told me it's good but I'm very low on the SEO. That panics me until I realize my house is as full as I wanted to be. I currently had a Romance package and they said from Montreal they typed in Romance and mine was the first one that came up. Other people tell me they type in bed and breakfast and again the same results. Lying rat-bastard marketers feeding off of my fears and vulnerability! I love that my website developer Natalie knows her stuff.
When I was able to work again, I simply took out one item of work to finish that was outstanding and I actually finished it!!!! Eureka. Then I took another thing out to work on and realized how productive I actually am if I tackle one job at a time and not 3000 mindless multi-tasking details at once, completely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of what needs to get done. I'm more productive when I don't multitask. One good thing about procrastinating on getting back to the burial ground is, what I once thought was important back then has expired, and is now ready to be filed or sent to bin 13.
My friend Albert filled my head with years worth of great marketing ideas that I have never found the time to do. It's so daunting and stressing to have them all piling high. Here's the kicker, and I know I've said this often. I am stressed because I don't have enough time to market my place because the house is full of guests and I'm too busy. Hmmmm. Do you see the "problem" here? Ironic eh? There is no problem, just guilt because I feel like I'm not doing enough. I love having the blessing of having a full B&B and the luxury to choose to not having guests as well. I have to turned away many guests who just call minutes before they need me and my place is full so I must be doing something right. Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I am "full" when all I desperately need is a night off. More Catholic guilt for me.
I get contacted daily by marketers wanting to improve my website. They told me it's good but I'm very low on the SEO. That panics me until I realize my house is as full as I wanted to be. I currently had a Romance package and they said from Montreal they typed in Romance and mine was the first one that came up. Other people tell me they type in bed and breakfast and again the same results. Lying rat-bastard marketers feeding off of my fears and vulnerability! I love that my website developer Natalie knows her stuff.
I need to fill up the car. A full tank of gas is one of my greatest joys and security. There is nothing so satisfying as a full tank of gas at an all time low rate, and finding the prices have jumped since I filled up the night before. Sometimes the gas is priced so low and I have a full tank, I just want to empty mine to get the better rate. I truly love a full tank of gas; sometimes I don't want to take a drive downtown to see the tank go down bar by bar. It's like giving me a free pass to travel and not worry.
I love taking a trip and returning to post the bragging rights photos on the wall of fame.
I love watching the look of wonder as someone paints their first masterpiece and have never picked up a paint brush before. I love the look on the family of guests who have put on the Virtual Reality glasses and the shit eating grin of happiness and surprise that this technology exists. So many walk away wanting the price and how to purchase one.
It tickles me when I show off the Bed of Nails and the Accupressure mats both, and make someone lie on it bare back and with true needles biting into their flesh and their look of pride they did it. Most love it but some grouse and complain loudly and angrily and get up only to ask, where can they buy one. Lots of B&B owners sell mugs and various sundry products but I sell only the Accupressure mats and Anti-Arthritis finger massagers. I sell a great many- good for circulation, sleep and keeping healthy. End of infomercial and I must remember to keep off Amazon. They are killing me with cool wellness tools.

My favorite thing when a guest leaves the romance room just to find that they never used the jacuzzi tub. That just means I can turn the water on and hop right in my tub that I have been missing 4 days. I have no idea how people start the day without a bath but I will find a silver lining if I have to paint it there. Love my two person soaker jacuzzi.
I love taking a trip and returning to post the bragging rights photos on the wall of fame.
I love watching the look of wonder as someone paints their first masterpiece and have never picked up a paint brush before. I love the look on the family of guests who have put on the Virtual Reality glasses and the shit eating grin of happiness and surprise that this technology exists. So many walk away wanting the price and how to purchase one.
It tickles me when I show off the Bed of Nails and the Accupressure mats both, and make someone lie on it bare back and with true needles biting into their flesh and their look of pride they did it. Most love it but some grouse and complain loudly and angrily and get up only to ask, where can they buy one. Lots of B&B owners sell mugs and various sundry products but I sell only the Accupressure mats and Anti-Arthritis finger massagers. I sell a great many- good for circulation, sleep and keeping healthy. End of infomercial and I must remember to keep off Amazon. They are killing me with cool wellness tools.

I love when my guests are chillin’ reading from my eclectic library of Spiritual and Sexual interests. my absolute favoritest book on the planet "The Guide to Getting It On" is the olden day’s version of Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask and let me tell you, my readers are riveted, as they should be. Total silence for the last hour. I bought this book from a spiritual store and I wasn't shopping, just killing time but I had to have it. It's about 800 pages of brilliance but it was too heavy to carry on the bus so I broke it up into pieces and the pictures are too dirty so you have to read it very carefully in public unless you want judgment or funny looks. A librarian friend of mine was mortified that I had torn up a book into chapters so she borrowed it, read it and then rebound it in three separate groups which I’m eternally grateful for. Now I show it to most of my guests and lots have it ordered from Amazon before they even check out. One friend read it cover-to-cover twice all 800 pages and then came back with a list of questions for me. One young family of Travelers actually had this book change their love life forever after the young new husband had read it and gained insight on a misconception he'd always believed. Its life changing!.