As an afterthought, I went to see the movie "Yesterday" about the Beatles and it was the best show I've seen in ages.
I used to have the Energy Share where everybody got a healing and then I also did a Musical Sound Healing evening but then I got the inspiration to combine the two and oh my goodness it's wonderful.
Everyone brought their beautiful musical instruments to share for the "show" at Humanics Sanctuary on their opening day June 23rd. It was magical. Imagine this spiritual place in nature where all age groups have gathered in the quiet of the meditation rock gathering place. I explained to everyone how easy it is to heal and suddenly, everyone was practicing hands on healing and energy work. Three minutes into the utter silence of nature, save for the sound of birds and the bubbling nearby spring, we slowly started to pick up instruments like rattles, chimes, bells, thunder tubes, Tibetan singing bowls and crystal singing bowls. Everyone is wandering around trying all the instruments and nearing the 10 minute mark, the drums start....and reach a frenzy then on signal, utter silence. It gave me goose bumps it was so fascinating. The children really liked it and for some, it was their first attempt at healing. What a legacy to help teach the young.
I hosted a lovely indigenous woman Lill to make rattles at my house and then it evolved into hosting a drumming Circle until the Facebook event said they were like 600 people coming. So she found a new venue and now once a month I get to do free drumming with a lovely group of my closest and newest friends.
On a previous weekend I hosted a paint birthday party for a lovely group of women who requested my favorite folk singer musician Jim who does a great sing along session. The ladies loved this.

Had the road trip of a lifetime to go see the Rolling Stones with a friend Roger, and it was unbelievable. This absolutely has to be the last time they play in Canada. I confided that I didn't have clue what they sang as I hadn't listened to them in years. My music is sappy sing-a-long love songs. Well, out came the CD and 5 hours on the drive there, ok I exaggerate. These guys are like 75 and while they are as old as the hills and have lived every life experience to the extreme, surprisingly, some of them could still move, at least I think it was them. They were just ants on stage with the huge videos. For all I know, they could have been doing a podcast from their homes and used actual ants on stage. Either way it worked. There was an unexpected ending to the evening tho. In our cars at 11pm and 5 hours later, 30,000 cars vacated the site; yes, 5 hours and this isn't a Boretski exaggeration! OMG, the energy in the car was "hangry" which was a sharp difference to the energy at the concert.
So every time I do a musical energy sound healing and I don't have somebody there who has brought some of their special instruments I'm a little embarrassed because it's less-than-stellar for me. My friend Cheryl noticed a woman was selling a large amount of musical instruments for a pittance so I flew over there same day and bought everything. I have expanded my musical repertoire greatly. And then I went down to the music store and bought two more Thunder tubes and an African Bellaphone. What have I done? I've got the music fever. So now I just need chime and crystal sounds if you have any donations for the cause.

I finally made it to Nature Nocturne with my friends Cheryl and Jim. We got to tour the Nature Museum which was pretty cool but I loved the Silent Concert. Three DJ's playing wildly different music and we got to go back and forth between the tunes, depending upon which ones were encouraging the crazier dancing.
Everyone brought their beautiful musical instruments to share for the "show" at Humanics Sanctuary on their opening day June 23rd. It was magical. Imagine this spiritual place in nature where all age groups have gathered in the quiet of the meditation rock gathering place. I explained to everyone how easy it is to heal and suddenly, everyone was practicing hands on healing and energy work. Three minutes into the utter silence of nature, save for the sound of birds and the bubbling nearby spring, we slowly started to pick up instruments like rattles, chimes, bells, thunder tubes, Tibetan singing bowls and crystal singing bowls. Everyone is wandering around trying all the instruments and nearing the 10 minute mark, the drums start....and reach a frenzy then on signal, utter silence. It gave me goose bumps it was so fascinating. The children really liked it and for some, it was their first attempt at healing. What a legacy to help teach the young.

I took yet another belly dancing class to music. The first one was at Movati and the second one level 2 no less, with Yagu, was at the Shenkman center and was marvelous fun.

Another weekend I went to see something I've wanted to do for 15 years and it was a folk show sponsored by Rasputin's at the Masonic temple. As I walked in late I felt like I was home. I sat down and the show started. My favorite instrument in the world is the HARP and there were two harps on stage and two women singing amusing songs. I think that's going to be even higher on my bucket list one day.
Just found out I'm entitled to request a guitar for Vets because simply serving time past boot camp and I qualify. I was so excited until I read the criteria. I must have PTSD. I have grown children; shouldn't that count for something? On my bucket list is playing the piano but I think the guitar will have to wait.

Had the road trip of a lifetime to go see the Rolling Stones with a friend Roger, and it was unbelievable. This absolutely has to be the last time they play in Canada. I confided that I didn't have clue what they sang as I hadn't listened to them in years. My music is sappy sing-a-long love songs. Well, out came the CD and 5 hours on the drive there, ok I exaggerate. These guys are like 75 and while they are as old as the hills and have lived every life experience to the extreme, surprisingly, some of them could still move, at least I think it was them. They were just ants on stage with the huge videos. For all I know, they could have been doing a podcast from their homes and used actual ants on stage. Either way it worked. There was an unexpected ending to the evening tho. In our cars at 11pm and 5 hours later, 30,000 cars vacated the site; yes, 5 hours and this isn't a Boretski exaggeration! OMG, the energy in the car was "hangry" which was a sharp difference to the energy at the concert.

I finally made it to Nature Nocturne with my friends Cheryl and Jim. We got to tour the Nature Museum which was pretty cool but I loved the Silent Concert. Three DJ's playing wildly different music and we got to go back and forth between the tunes, depending upon which ones were encouraging the crazier dancing.
Sadly, I have not attended a music festival yet this year in Ottawa. Well I guess I have to save something for another day.