You know what it's like. You are caught in the black hole of Facebook, Instagram or any of the others and the ads pop up. You know that these sites remember every time you click on something so they know where you're creeping and have gotten inside your head. And it doesn't help that the stores are pandemically closed and we're bored out of our minds.
Of course, everything I bought was essential, pretty, shiny and I couldn't possibly live without it. A few items were impulsive, ok maybe 90% of them, but one was very well-researched and over the course of many days I would finally take the leap and then forget about the order arriving.
First I ordered some Accupressure pens that would be a great addition to my wellness theme at the B&B. and I waited and waited and mostly forgot. One day I followed up and they said, "we apologize but are out of stock. How can we reimburse you." You can't, I want the pens and I will wait as long as it takes. Nope, this darned legitimate company with morals would have none of it. They were giving the money back, curses. Little did I know how rare that is.
I was daydreaming about receiving my latest find and that's when the sh*t hit the fan, It was

All of my purchases came from social media for old people. Now imagine this... every time I click on an ad, they get the next puzzle piece to my twisted psyche and learn what "turns my crank". When you think about it, that's frightening. When I want to screw with them, I click the link, and get all the way to pay then exit. They will pester me and often add a discount. Brilliant right? I know! But by then, they know me and who is going to get closer to the front of the line to screw me over in a game I was never going to win.
The next beast had sent me a gorgeous picture of a plant that was rainbow coloured. In my garden it would have been magnificent. I had to have it to be better than the Jones, which was pretty easy seeing as I am the only one with flowers on my street. After I paid, they sent me a one time only 5 minute impulse buy to get the second plant for half price. OMG I must have that too. Damn this pandemic, I only have the strength to press yes and then I began the impatient wait. Sadly, the confirmation 'it's on it's speedy way' told me the seeds would be arriving soon. SEEDS???? WTH! Can you imagine gullible me waiting for two dead plants to come in the mail during a pandemic? Sigh, I know. I ordered Feb 3rd and had had a number of contacts saying on Mar 24th they were in Canada, (probably stuck at the border since they were from Covid country China) even though I was assured by them that they were disease free. My hottie on the phone said, "No, we are charging back. You should not have to wait that long, my princess". Well, that is what I heard. Now what could be next on the list for him to fulfill my dreams.

Here's where it gets harried. I'm going to go to Best Buy but my favourite IT dude/saviour said he would look at it remotely. Unplanned sleeps were had , we lost 24 hours and we were down to the wire. We got started and had I taken it to BB, they would have found nothing and charged me too much. He worked on it for hours and after revealing that I had started uploading all my pics onto one, and it was full around 7000, dude Jim told me maybe it was a counterfeit USB claiming a huge capacity but bogus. If it was a fake, they claim a greater capacity and if you try to reach capacity, it starts to override your initial pictures and corrupts them. Now that's rude!!! He ran the tests and indeed, as always, he was brilliantly correct. I filled out the forms, needed my neighbours to fax it off, got invited in for my first drink with them in 20 years, and got it all taken care of. I was thrilled. Nothing I hate more than someone pulling a fast one on me.
I have two more items to deal with. One is a knock off FitBit watch ... so technology that needs to be dealt with. It's a new arrival and I'm pretty sure I saw very bad reviews for all the other knock off watches with different companies when I was researching my other purchases. Most of the stuff on social media seems to be coming from China and is very questionable. I think I can only go thru Amazon going forward or better still, find it on Amazon, google the company name and go there directly so they get 100% of the money. Oh the things I have learned and must remember.
My biggest embarrassment is knowing I read 165 reviews and realizing that the reviews on the ad are not the same as reviews on Google even though they seemed soooo convincing. When you've been had and start to research the company, this is where you are faced with your lack of true due diligence. They are not the same reviews and it seriously never dawned on me that they would be different. Luckily for the company, I'm not the only gullible noob on the planet. Also, they have a 30 day return policy but it comes from China and thru a pandemic. I didn't have a chance in hell and they knew that. Hiney's were covered.
My last purchase is still en route and if it arrives, it will no doubt be exactly as it was advertised and be beautiful. Rainbow window film that fills your house with so many colours. I will let you know.
So the big take away is this:
1. Buy, if you must, on social media BUT first google the company and read the reviews on Google for your product and other products they sell. Do not rely on the Ad fake reviews.
2. You have exactly 100 days to complete a chargeback if something is delayed, (even with Covid), or not working.
3. If you have something with technology that doesn't work, if you get an outside source with a business card, at minimum, you just might get your money back if you can prove the item is faulty.
After typing all this, guess what happened. All of my lousy purchases were charged back successfully and this underdog won. I did just see this rug on Facebook and it's so cool. Everyone on the ad loves where did I put my credit card?